Broke Protocol is getting another overhaul with The Heavy Hitter Update coming out on Steam today. This update brings sweeping changes to player damage, hit registration, firing animations, melee blocking, network syncing, and a whole arsenal of new heavy weapons and armor now usable in-game.

A brand new class of vehicles have been added with this update. New physics support for tracked vehicles allowed the addition of several new heavy tanks and APCs. Modeled after real-world armored vehicles, these will add new RP variety for military or post-nuclear themed maps. They mostly won’t be featured on the default city map, but have been added for testing armored combat for future development or spinoffs of Broke Protocol.

You’ll find several new military props as well. SCUD Launchers, static drones, hedgehogs, and usable AT Guns in 3 camo varieties have been added. Focus will be back on civilian assets soon enough, but these new military assets are somewhat of a preview concerning an announcement coming soon about future additions to BP.
New Melee Mechanics and Blocking

More progress has been made on hit registration and firing mechanics. You can now block yourself against other melee weapons with the right mouse button (zoom). Blocking will limit movement speed, but wards off about 70% of incoming damage. AI will now fire and block depending on the situation. Melee weapons have better hit registration as well, so you’ll find everything from landing hits, to healing and reviving players to be easier as well.

Many animations are tweaked and fixed too. New phone animations, firing animations, blocking, and more. You’ll find that animations like sprinting and blocking are now network synced with other players too. This visuals on other player stances is valuable combat information so it’s vital that the server communicates this to everyone. Smoother firing animations have also been added as well as other animation transition fixes.

A bunch of other optimizations and fixes made it into v0.96 including memory leaks fixed, texture and physics fixes, and new ocean rendering system. Expecting bigger waves and a smoother ocean with more correct lighting and physics overall.
More big announcements on the imminent mobile release and the future of Broke Protocol soon!
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Heavy Hitter Update Patch Notes
- Tracked vehicle support
- 3 new usable tank/APC types
- 3 new usable AT guns
- New SCUD Launcher, Drone, Hedgehog military props
- Blocking ability to reduce damage againt melee
- Sprinting and blocking animations now network synced
- AI will now situationally ADS and block in combat
- AI aiming and ammo conservation adjusted
- Melee weapons have better hit detection
- Increased apartment and vehicle invite/embark range
- Input updates are now reliable packets
- Optimized gun firing calculations
- Hospital gurney now usable as furniture
- New smooth ocean algorithm, physics now match rendering
- Slight reduction to fall damage
- Use SSL for server communication
- Fixed World Builder memory leak
- Phone animations changed
- Optimized object action lookups
- Fixed occasional broken action menu
- Motorcycles may now produce skid sounds
- Unlocking owned vehicles fixed
- Fixed overlapping HUD elements
- Smoother firing animations
- Minor animation fixes
- Different effect when melee against vehicles
- Fixed black beach textures
- Shortened Springfield stock to better fit players
- Fixed occasional 0 drag boat physics