Broke Protocol Game API Reference  1.39
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BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvBoat Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvBoat:
BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvTransport BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvMovable BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvPhysical BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvDestroyable BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvMountable BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvDamageable BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvEntity


override WaypointType WaypointProperty [get]
- Properties inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvTransport
override EntityEvents Events [get]
override float NavRangeSqr [get]
virtual float BrakeRange [get]
- Properties inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvMovable
override EntityEvents Events [get]
virtual float DamageScalar [get]
override float RespawnTime [get]
virtual float NavRangeSqr [get]
List< WaypointWaypointList [get]
- Properties inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvPhysical
override EntityEvents Events [get]
- Properties inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvDestroyable
override EntityEvents Events [get]
- Properties inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvMountable
override EntityEvents Events [get]
- Properties inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvDamageable
override EntityEvents Events [get]
- Properties inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvEntity
virtual EntityEvents Events [get]
virtual WaypointType WaypointProperty [get]
CustomData CustomData = new () [get, set]
virtual float RespawnTime [get]
virtual float SpawnRate [get]
bool OnOrigin [get]
ShDoor GetDoor [get]
Vector3 ExteriorPosition [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvTransport
override void MoveTo (Vector3 next)
bool TryParking (ShDoor otherDoor)
bool TryTowing (ShTransport towable)
void SvTow (ShTransport towable)
bool TryGetTowOption (out ShTransport towable)
void SvSetTransportOwner (ShPlayer buyer)
void SendTransportState ()
override void WriteActivateData ()
override void Initialize ()
override void Deactivate (bool removeSectors)
override void SvDestroyEffect ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvMovable
NavGraph GetGraph ()
override void Respawn ()
override void WriteInitData (ref object[] initializeArgs, bool isPlayer)
void SetMaxSpeed (float maxSpeed)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvPhysical
void PushNetState (bool hard)
virtual void SetNetState (NetState s)
bool PreviousNetState (float rollbackTime, out NetState netState)
void Trigger (Serialized trigger, string eventName, bool enter)
override void Destroy ()
override bool CheckUpdatable ()
void SvForce (Vector3 force)
override void SvRelocate (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parent=null)
void SvRelocateSelf ()
void SvTryUpdateSmooth (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvDestroyable
bool Heal (float amount, ShPlayer healer=null)
void UpdateHealth (Vector3 source=default)
bool HealFull (ShPlayer healer=null)
void DestroySelf ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvMountable
override void SvSetParent (Transform parent)
void DismountAll ()
bool CanLockOnTarget (ShEntity target, ShThrown thrown, out float angle)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvDamageable
void Damage (DamageIndex damageIndex, float amount, ShPlayer attacker=null, Collider collider=null, Vector3 hitPoint=default, Vector3 hitNormal=default)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvEntity
GetEvents< T > ()
void InitializeSender ()
void UpdateDefaultItems ()
virtual void ResetOriginal ()
void SvAnimatorEnabled (bool enabled)
void SvAnimatorFloat (string parameterName, float value)
void SvAnimatorInt (string parameterName, int value)
void SvAnimatorBool (string parameterName, bool value)
void SvAnimatorTrigger (string parameterName)
void SvStopVideo ()
void SvStartDefaultVideo (int index)
void SvStartCustomVideo (string url)
bool BuyEntity (ShPlayer buyer)
void SvRelocate (Transform t, Transform parent=null)
virtual bool IsValidTarget (ShPlayer chaser)
SizedArray SerializeAnimator ()
SizedArray SerializeParameters ()
void SendActivateToOther (ShPlayer other)
void SendDeactivateToOther (ShPlayer other)
IEnumerator SyncAnimator ()
void AddItemOptions (ItemOption[] options)
Sector GetEntitySector ()
bool AddSubscribedPlayer (ShPlayer player, bool sendInitData=true)
void RemoveSubscribedPlayer (ShPlayer player, bool dispatch)
void SameSector ()
void NewSector (Sector newSector)
void SpawnOriginal ()
void SpawnFire ()
HashSet< T > GetLocalInRange< T > (float range)
void ExplosionDamage (float range, float damage, ShPlayer attacker)
void SvAddDynamicAction (string eventName, string label)
void SvRemoveDynamicAction (string eventName)
void SvSetScale (Vector3 scale)
virtual void InitializeSectors ()
virtual void SvRestore (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, int placeIndex)
bool LocalEntitiesOne (Func< ShEntity, bool > Test, Func< ShEntity, bool > Action)
void LocalEntitiesAll (Func< ShEntity, bool > Test, Action< ShEntity > Action)
virtual void Restock (float fraction=1f)
virtual void Shop (ShPlayer customer)
void Send (SvSendType sendType, PacketFlags channel, ClPacket packet, params object[] args)
void Send (SvSendType sendType, PacketFlags channel)
- Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvTransport
ShTransport transport
float collisionTime
WeightedOption[] towOptions
Vector3 frontOffset
Vector3 rearOffset
EntityState initialState
ConfigurableJoint towJoint
- Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvMovable
ShMovable movable
- Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvPhysical
ShPhysical physical
ShEntity selfMarker
HashSet< SerializedcurrentTriggers = new()
Dictionary< Serialized, string > triggerEnter = new()
Dictionary< Serialized, string > triggerExit = new()
- Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvDestroyable
ShDestroyable destroyable
- Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvMountable
ShMountable mountable
ShItem mountLicense
- Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvDamageable
ShDamageable damageable
- Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvEntity
ShEntity entity
ShPlayer spawner
ShPlayer instigator
IDCollection< ShPlayersubscribers
SvManager svManager
Dictionary< ValueTuple< Place, Vector2Int >, SectorlocalSectors = new ()
Sector sector
bool randomSpawn
bool respawnable = true
string videoURL = string.Empty
float destroyAfter
bool destroyEmpty
ItemOption[] itemOptions
Dictionary< int, InventoryItemdefaultItems
HashSet< ShPlayerspectators = new ()
object[] activateArgs
Vector3 originalPosition
Quaternion originalRotation
Transform originalParent
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvTransport
static new readonly TransportEvents events = new()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvMovable
static new readonly MovableEvents events = new()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvPhysical
static new readonly PhysicalEvents events = new()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvDestroyable
static new readonly DestroyableEvents events = new()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvMountable
static new readonly MountableEvents events = new()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvDamageable
static new readonly DamageableEvents events = new()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvEntity
static readonly EntityEvents events = new()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvTransport
bool IsBlocked (out RaycastHit raycastHit)
void OnCollisionStay (Collision collision)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvMovable
virtual void OnCollisionEnter (Collision collision)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvPhysical
virtual void Update ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvEntity
void RemoveSectors (bool sendDeactivate)
void TryAddHuman (Sector s)
void TryRemoveHuman (Sector s)
void SendToPlayer (ShPlayer toPlayer, PacketFlags channel)
virtual void SendToSelf (PacketFlags channel)
virtual void SendToLocal (PacketFlags channel)
void SendToLocalOthers (PacketFlags channel)
void SendToAll (PacketFlags channel)
void SendToAllOthers (PacketFlags channel)
- Protected Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvMovable
float originalMaxSpeed
- Protected Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvPhysical
Queue< NetStatenetStates = new()
float nextUpdateTime
- Protected Attributes inherited from BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvEntity
readonly Dictionary< SvSendType, Action< PacketFlags > > sender = new ()
byte[] animatorArray
byte[] parameterArray

Property Documentation

◆ WaypointProperty

override WaypointType BrokeProtocol.Entities.SvBoat.WaypointProperty

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